Tag Archives: Prayer

Life is Like A Garden

The Flip Flop Barnyard tells of the great patience gardening requires. From ordering seeds to harvest, many days can pass, with much time waiting to move from stage to stage of the gardening process. Any Gardner knows it takes much patience to produce great tasting vegetables and beautiful flowers. Planting has to take place in the spring, cultivation through the summer, to enjoy the harvest of the fall. Seeds do not become abundant crops overnight.

Like gardening, life can require much patience. Scripture encourages, “Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near” (James 5:7-8).

Waiting can be hard; we don’t like it. This may hold especially true when we are awaiting answers to our prayers.

We’re praying about our need, yet it seems the Lord is not hearing us. Maybe we’ve spent hours pacing the floor, tears flowing, as we pray, but the answer still hasn’t come. If so, this passage encourages us to stand firm, and keep on praying. James goes on to remind us our prayers are both powerful and effective.

Our prayers will be answered. It may not be in the immediate timetable we desire, but the Lord does answer.

Remember, Gardeners have to wait all season before harvesting a crop, but the sweetness of the fruit is worth the labor of their patience.

Be patient and stand firm.

Talking to the Lord: Encouragement from Matthew 6:8

Ever wondered how to talk to the Lord? Well, Matthew 6:8 has some wisdom for us: “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

Basically, the verse is saying that God, your Heavenly Father, already knows what’s on your mind before you even say it. It’s like God is tuned in to your thoughts, cares, and dreams.

Sometimes, we might think we need to fill God in on all the details when we pray. But Matthew 6:8 suggests a different approach – it’s like a reminder that God is already in the loop. So, when you talk to the Lord, you can be real and honest because He already knows what’s going on inside you.

This verse also nudges us to be thankful. Since God is aware of what we need, we can take a moment to say thanks for the good stuff and even for getting through tough times. It’s a way of shifting our focus from what we don’t have to appreciating what we do.

Matthew 6:8 teaches us to chat with the Lord in a genuine way. Forget the formalities; just talk to God like you would to a close friend. And remember, He’s not just listening, He already knows what’s on your heart.

So, the next time you find yourself talking to the Lord, know that you’re not alone. He’s right there with you, understanding you even before you say a word. It’s a comforting thought that can make your conversations with the Lord more real and meaningful.

Thanks for reading.

Finding Peace in God

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

This is an awesome piece of advice we can apply today. No matter what’s going on, we can exchange stress and anxiety for peace. Notice a couple words.


Merriam-Webster defines the word as “a thing, no matter what that thing may be.”


Merriam-Webster defines the word as “all members of a group or set.”

There are no restrictions. No problem or situation is too big or too small. Whatever is going on, Scripture says we can pray about it, and the Lord will give us peace.

So, as you face the stressers and anxious moments of today, remember to pray. And, God’s peace will come.

An Answer at the Door

It is rare that I lose my keys, but it does happen. One morning I unlocked an office door and left my keys hanging in the knob as I turned to put several items down. I was going to grab my keys next, but the phone rang. One thing led to another, and my day had launched.

A few hours later I couldn’t find my keys. Searching, I mentioned to someone I lost them.

He said, “No, you didn’t. They are hanging in your door.” There the keys were in plain view.

Sometimes the answers to our prayers are in plain view, but we are astonished so we miss them. Just ask Rhoda, and the others, who were praying for Peter.

They forgot to open the door.

Acts 12 records Peter being put in prison to face persecution, and many of the believers gathered at Mary’s house to pray for him. They are praying, and simultaneously, an angel is freeing Peter from prison. No one expected a rapid answer to their prayers. This causes some confusion at Mary’s house.

Verses 13-16 say, “Peter knocked at the outer entrance, and a servant named Rhoda came to answer the door. When she recognized Peter’s voice, she was so overjoyed, she ran back without opening it and exclaimed, ‘Peter is at the door!’ ‘You’re out of your mind,’ they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said it must be his angel. But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished.”

Luke paints a humorous scene here. Christians have gathered late at night to pray, and suddenly there is a knock at the outer gate. Rhoda checks and discovers Peter, but forgets to open the door to the answered prayer. She is so shocked the prayer was answered quickly, or answered at all, she runs away from the answer. She runs away to tell others the answer was at the door. Disbelief, shock, and surprise keep the others away from the door. No one is opening the door for the answered prayer.

Meanwhile, Peter keeps knocking. They finally open the door, and there stands Peter. He is the answer to their prayer, and he is standing there in plain view.

Be ready to open the door.

While God always answers our prayers, the timeline is not always so sudden. The answer may come concurrently or it may take a minute. As we pray, are we ready to open the door when the answer knocks? Are we ready to receive the answer at any time? We just never know when the answer will knock on the door.

Offer this post to a friend as a source of encouragement.

She Looks Drunk

As he watched, the priest wondered if she was drunk. She was at the temple, and it appeared as if she was praying. But the priest thought there was something odd about her appearance. Her mouth was moving but no words were coming out, and was she weeping? He approached her and boldly asked, “Are you drunk?”

She explained that she was sober. She was just so involved in her prayer that he thought she was under the influence. Her name is Hannah, and we read her story in 1 Samuel 1. We find out she is going through a really hard time, and she has come to the temple to pour her heart out to the Lord.

The Bible encourages us to pray without stopping; we should always be communicating with the Lord. In the best of times and in the worst of times, the Lord wants to help us, and we can talk with him through prayer just like Hannah, and just like David.

David exhorts in Psalm 62:8, “O my people trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.”

When David and Hannah were going through rough times, they poured their hearts out to the Lord. When they were in the best of times, they thanked God in prayer. They always prayed and left a mark in history challenging us to do the same.

Our prayers are just conversations with the Lord. They don’t have to be fancy, and we don’t have to be overwhelmed by the idea we may say the wrong thing. You see, we’re having a conversation with a great friend who doesn’t judge us by the words we use, but by what is in our heart. The Lord is always listening and always desiring to hear from us.

Spend some time talking with the Lord today. Share your thoughts with him. Ask for guidance as you plan tomorrow. Ask for help with your struggles. Don’t be afraid. He is your friend who wants to hear from you.

Please consider sharing this with a friend.

Have You Been Waiting?

Episodes of Get Encouraged are available on Spotify!

Have you been waiting? This can be one of the most difficult parts of life. We live in a super connected world, so if we have to wait longer than 10 seconds for anything, it is hard. Yet, our lives sometimes take us down paths that require us to wait.

We have to wait to see if we’re going to get our dream job. We have to wait to meet the person we desire to marry. We have to wait as we’re trying to have a family. We have to wait on our prayers to be answered.

The people of Israel also had to wait. They find themselves in a hard time. Their bondage has been harsh, and they have suffered immensely. They are needing and wanting the Lord to work, but they have to wait. As they wait, Isaiah brings encouragement, and it is still encouragement for us today.

Isaiah 64:4 says, “For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!”

Hang in there if you’re waiting. Psalm 27:14 encourages, “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” The Bible promises the Lord is working on your behalf.

sharing with the lord

Kevin, age 5, and Ryan, age 3 were waiting on their mom to cook pancakes one morning, and the boys began to argue about who would get the first pancake. Seeing an opportunity to teach a moral lesson, their mom said, “Jesus would let his brother have the first pancake.”

Kevin quickly said to Ryan, “Hey Ryan, why don’t you be Jesus?”

Matthew tells us the Magi shared with Jesus. Matthew 2:11 says, “They entered the house and saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” The Magi shared with the Lord.

The wise men brought gifts to Jesus, because they wanted to share with him. As Christians, we should be willing to bow before the king and open the treasure chests of our lives to share with the Lord. The gifts the Magi brought can help us see ways to share with the Lord.


They presented gold to Christ. Gold is obviously something of great value. Instantly, tithes and offerings come to mind, but we can share in other ways. Our time, our talents, and our abilities are some ways we can share. We can share our words by being the Lord’s spokesperson. Our words can be used to encourage one another; building one another up in Christ. Our words have the ability to help another person more fully grasp the Lord’s grace. Money is not the only valuable thing we can share with the Lord. We have much to share.

Frankincense and Myrrh

Our prayers are the incense we share with the Lord. Revelation 5:8 reminds us prayers are a sweet smelling fragrance at the alter of the Lord. He wants to hear from us. The Lord longs for us to talk with him. He wants to hear our thanksgivings and our struggles.

The Lord desires for us to share our lives with him. How well do we share? Try sharing a part of your day with the Lord. Spend some time in prayer or offer an encouraging word to a neighbor. The Lord wants to live life with us.

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answered prayer is knocking

It is rare that I lose my keys, but it does happen. One morning I unlocked an office door and left my keys hanging in the knob as I turned to put several items down. I was going to grab my keys next, but the phone rang. One thing led to another, and my day had launched.

A few hours later I couldn’t find my keys. Searching, I mentioned to someone I lost them.

He said, “No, you didn’t. They are hanging in your door.” There the keys were in plain view.

Sometimes the answers to our prayers are in plain view, but we are astonished so we miss them. Just ask Rhoda, and the others, who were praying for Peter.

They forgot to open the door.

Acts 12 records Peter being put in prison to face persecution, and many of the believers gathered at Mary’s house to pray for him. They are praying, and simultaneously, an angel is freeing Peter from prison. No one expected a rapid answer to their prayers. This causes some confusion at Mary’s house.

Verses 13-16 say, “Peter knocked at the outer entrance, and a servant named Rhoda came to answer the door. When she recognized Peter’s voice, she was so overjoyed, she ran back without opening it and exclaimed, ‘Peter is at the door!’ ‘You’re out of your mind,’ they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said it must be his angel. But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished.”

Luke paints a humorous scene here. Christians have gathered late at night to pray, and suddenly there is a knock at the outer gate. Rhoda checks and discovers Peter, but forgets to open the door to the answered prayer. She is so shocked the prayer was answered quickly, or answered at all, she runs away from the answer. She runs away to tell others the answer was at the door. Disbelief, shock, and surprise keep the others away from the door. No one is opening the door for the answered prayer.

Meanwhile, Peter keeps knocking. They finally open the door, and there stands Peter. He is the answer to their prayer, and he is standing there in plain view.

Be ready to open the door.

While God always answers our prayers, the timeline is not always so sudden. The answer may come concurrently or it may take a minute. As we pray, are we ready to open the door when the answer knocks? Are we ready to receive the answer at any time? We just never know when the answer will knock on the door.

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Faithful in Prayer

Never stop praying.

Two ladies were discussing their lives as they were at the laundry mat. They were both married, and they had much in common.

While they were waiting on clothes to wash, they were both mending a pair of their husbands’ pants. “Things at home are stressful. My husband is grouchy and always a ball of stress,” the first lady said as she mended the butt of her husband’s pants.

As she mended the knees of her husband’s pants, the second lady said, “My guy is usually in a good mood. Things are going really well.”

It has been said the biggest fear of the devil is our prayers. He fears nothing from prayerless efforts, and trembles at prayer. The Bible encourages Christians to never stop praying.

“Be joyful in hope. Patient in affliction.” Romans 12:12 encourages, “Faithful in prayer.”

Faithful in prayer.

Jesus illustrated the power of prayer. He spends a great deal of time praying. The disciples admired his prayer life and hoped they could model it. Jesus prayed about everything.

How do we do? Jesus encourages us to pray and never give up. Remember, the Lord does hear our prayers, and praying is just a conversation with him. Spend some time talking with him today.

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Praying is the Answer

“You got to keep on praying.”

The lyrics say, “Give it back,” and this song is a reminder for the power of prayer.

Back to God by Reba McEntire creatively reminds us to pray.

We may be facing many challenges. The world may be facing many challenges, and the answer can be found in the Lord.

2 Chronicles 7:14 states, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I forgive their sin and will heal their land.”