Category Archives: Devotional

True Love Inspires Service

True love has a remarkable way of inspiring us to serve one another selflessly. When we deeply care for someone, we naturally want to do whatever we can to make their lives better, to bring them joy, and to support them through both the good times and the bad. One of the most powerful examples of this selfless love and service can be found in the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ.

Jesus, known for his unconditional love and compassion, exemplified true love through his servant-hearted attitude. He didn’t come to be served but to serve, showing us that true greatness lies in humbly serving others. Throughout his ministry, Jesus consistently put the needs of others before his own, demonstrating the transformative power of love in action.

Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, a task typically reserved for servants, to show them the importance of humility and serving one another with love. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and comforted the broken-hearted, showing us that true love is not just a feeling but a tangible expression of care and compassion.

When we experience true love, whether it’s from a friend, a family member, or a romantic partner, it ignites a desire within us to serve them in return. We find joy and fulfillment in putting their needs above our own, in lending a helping hand, and in being there for them in times of need.

True love drives us to serve one another because it’s rooted in a deep connection and commitment to each other’s well-being. It’s about going the extra mile, sacrificing our own comfort for the sake of others, and showing up for them day after day, no matter what.

In a world often focused on self-interest and individualism, true love stands out as a beacon of hope and inspiration. It reminds us that we are all interconnected and that our lives are enriched when we serve and care for one another with genuine love and compassion, just as Jesus did.

True Love Sees Our True Beauty

In a world where beauty standards seem to change like the weather, it’s easy to get caught up in appearances. We often judge ourselves and others based on outer beauty, forgetting that true love goes much deeper than skin-deep. True love sees our true beauty, the beauty that lies within our hearts and souls, untouched by age or imperfections.

True love isn’t concerned with how we look on the outside. It doesn’t matter if we have flawless skin, perfect hair, or a model’s physique. Instead, true love looks at the beauty that radiates from within – our kindness, compassion, and authenticity.

When someone truly loves us, they see us for who we are beyond our physical appearance. They appreciate our quirks, embrace our imperfections, and love us unconditionally. True love sees the sparkle in our eyes when we’re passionate about something, the warmth in our smile when we’re happy, and the strength in our spirit when we face challenges.

In a world that often emphasizes outward beauty, it’s refreshing to find someone who sees the beauty in our flaws and imperfections. True love isn’t about seeking perfection but about embracing our uniqueness and loving us for who we are, warts and all.

When we experience true love, we feel accepted, cherished, and valued for who we are as individuals. We no longer feel the need to hide behind masks or pretend to be someone we’re not. Instead, we can be our authentic selves, knowing that we are loved just the way we are.

True love transcends physical attraction and superficiality. It’s about forming a deep emotional connection with someone who sees us for our essence – our hopes, dreams, fears, and aspirations. It’s about sharing our lives with someone who loves us not in spite of our imperfections but because of them.

So, as we journey through life, let’s remember that true love sees beyond appearances. Let’s cherish those who love us for who we are and strive to love others in the same way, appreciating the beauty that lies within each and every one of us.

What is True Love: Insights from 1 Corinthians 13

True love – it’s a phrase we hear often, but what does it really mean? In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of romantic movies and fairy tales that paint love as a grand gesture or a passionate whirlwind. However, when we dig deeper, we find a timeless definition in one of the most cherished books of wisdom: 1 Corinthians 13.

Love, as described in this passage, is patient. It’s about understanding, empathy, and giving others the time they need to grow and flourish. It’s not about rushing or forcing things but allowing relationships to unfold naturally, respecting each other’s pace.

True love is also kind. It’s about compassion, generosity, and showing genuine care for one another. Small acts of kindness can speak volumes, whether it’s a listening ear, a helping hand, or a simple smile. Kindness nurtures love and fosters a sense of connection.

Love does not envy or boast; it is not proud. In a world often consumed by comparison and ego, true love is humble and selfless. It celebrates the successes of others without feeling threatened and recognizes the inherent worth in every individual.

Love is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. It’s about prioritizing the well-being of others above our own desires, learning to let go of resentment, and choosing forgiveness. True love is about building bridges, not walls.

It rejoices with the truth, always protecting, trusting, hoping, and persevering. True love is rooted in honesty, integrity, and unwavering commitment. It’s about standing by each other through thick and thin, facing challenges together with unwavering faith.

In essence, true love, as depicted in 1 Corinthians 13, is a profound and unconditional affection that transcends boundaries and withstands the test of time. It’s not flashy or loud but rather gentle, steadfast, and enduring. It’s the glue that binds relationships, families, and communities together, offering solace, support, and strength in times of need.

So, as we navigate the complexities of love in our lives, let’s remember the timeless wisdom of 1 Corinthians 13 and strive to embody its principles in our relationships, knowing that true love is not just a fleeting emotion but a lifelong journey of growth, understanding, and connection.

True Love Views Us As A Masterpiece

In a world that often emphasizes flaws and imperfections, Ephesians 2:10 offers a refreshing perspective on true love. This verse reminds us that we are like masterpieces created by God’s hand, each of us uniquely designed for a purpose.

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

this means that we are special creations, made by God with a purpose in mind. True love, as described in this verse, sees us as valuable and significant.

This idea of being a masterpiece transforms how we view ourselves and others. Instead of focusing on our flaws, Ephesians invites us to see the beauty in the way we are made. True love, according to this perspective, acknowledges and cherishes the uniqueness in each of us.

Understanding ourselves as masterpieces, according to Ephesians, also means recognizing the purpose behind our existence. We are not accidents; we are intentionally crafted to contribute goodness to the world. True love encourages us to embrace our talents and use them for positive impact.

This concept of true love extends beyond romantic relationships. It influences how we treat ourselves and others, fostering an environment of acceptance and encouragement. Ephesians encourages us to build relationships based on the idea that each person is a masterpiece with a purpose.

In a world that often undermines self-worth, Ephesians 2:10 speaks directly to the heart, teaching us to see ourselves through the lens of true love. When we grasp the idea that we are masterpieces, designed with intention and purpose, we begin to appreciate the beauty within ourselves and others. True love, as Ephesians describes, invites us to live out the good things that were planned for us from the beginning.

Thanks for reading.

True Love is Free

In a world where it seems we have to buy or earn someone’s love, the Bible offers a refreshing reminder.

Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast.” In simpler terms, it means that real love is not something we earn or deserve—it’s a special gift from God.

This kind of love, as Ephesians explains, doesn’t depend on what we achieve or how good we are. In a world where relationships often come with conditions, this idea challenges us to see that true love doesn’t have strings attached.

Understanding and accepting true love, can bring a sense of freedom. It sets us free from the pressure of trying to be perfect or constantly earning love. True love, as described in the Bible, is a gift that accepts us with all our flaws and failures.

This view of love isn’t just for romantic relationships. It applies to all our connections—with friends, family, and the community. Ephesians encourages us to approach love with an open heart, without judgment or expectations.

In a world where real connections matter, Ephesians 2:8-9 shows us the way to true love. True love isn’t something we have to work hard for; it’s a generous gift waiting for us. Understanding and living out this divine love is how we can experience true freedom in our relationships. True love doesn’t cost; it is given freely.

Thanks for reading.

God is True Love

In the midst of all the different ideas about love, there’s a timeless concept that stands above the rest—God as true love.

The Bible simply states, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). This short phrase is like the key to understanding how God embodies true love. Unlike the love we often experience, God’s love is different—it’s endless, pure, and everlasting.

God’s love is unconditional. It doesn’t depend on what we do or how perfect we are. It’s a love that accepts us just as we are, flaws and all. This unconditional love is something we can count on, no matter what.

It’s also a sacrificial love. In the Bible, it’s mentioned that God loved the world so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to save us (John 3:16). This act of sacrifice shows how much God’s love gives without expecting anything back. It’s a gift that brings us hope and eternal life.

God’s love can change us for the better. When we understand and embrace this love, it has the power to heal and transform our lives. It’s not just a feeling; it’s a force that can guide us to become better people, influencing how we treat others.

Thinking of God as true love encourages us to try and love others in a similar way. It challenges us to love without conditions, to give without expecting anything in return, and to let that love inspire positive changes in our lives. In a world where love can sometimes feel fleeting, the idea of God’s enduring and unwavering love serves as a powerful anchor for our own understanding and expression of love.

Holding on to Hope

In the Bible, Hebrews 10:23 is like a friendly guide, offering simple but powerful advice for life’s ups and downs. The verse says, “Let’s stick to our hope and not give up, because God always keeps His promises” (Hebrews 10:23, Easy-to-Read Version). This short sentence holds a big idea – it’s all about having strong faith and not letting go of hope, no matter what.

It’s like saying, “Hold on tight to what you believe in, and don’t let doubts shake you.” Life can be tricky, but this verse encourages us to stay true to our beliefs and not let tough times make us question what we know deep down.

The verse reminds us to stay steady, even when things get tough. Life can be like a rollercoaster, but this verse tells us to be like a sturdy tree, not bending or swaying with every gust of wind. It’s a call to be strong and not let doubt knock us over.

And why should we be so confident? Because of the part that says, “God keeps his promises.” In other words, it’s like saying, “God always keeps His word.” When things seem uncertain, we can trust that God is reliable. This promise gives us the courage to keep going, knowing that we’re not alone, and God will come through for us.

Hebrews 10:23 is like a cheerleader, cheering us on to stay strong in our hope. It’s an invitation to believe in something solid, something that won’t change when everything else does. So, as we go through life’s twists and turns, let’s remember this verse and hold on to our hope, knowing that God is always faithful, and our faith can weather any storm.

Heaven Awaits

An elderly man was in a hospital room and he was fading quickly. The nurses and doctors decided it was time to call the gentleman’s family, and they gathered around his bed. As he was lying there, holding his wife of 50 years hand, looking at his son and grandchildren, he whispered, “Don’t cry. I’ll see all of you again. This was not my permanent home; I’m only passing through.”

A moment later, the man looked up and said, “I can see the Lord’s face.” Peacefully, the man fell asleep and went to be with the Lord.

Death is a sad time for those of us left behind. The person for whom we love and care deeply has gone home to be with the Lord, so we have to say “see you later,” and live in their absence. But, for the Christian who passes away in death, a whole new adventure begins.

Heaven awaits. “For this is not our permanent home,” the writer of Hebrews reminds us, “we are looking forward to a world yet to come.” While we don’t fully know what Heaven will be like, the Bible does tell us it will be a glorious place. There will be no pain, sorrow, or difficulty. Today’s struggles will be gone. There will be no pandemics or tensions caused by skin color. There will be no hurt or heartache. Rather, Scripture says there will be peace. The lame will walk, the deaf will hear, the blind will see. Heaven will be glorious.

And, the adventure of experiencing Heaven will be ours. If you, or someone you love, is struggling today, remember, it is only temporary. Something much better is coming.

Subject to Change

We make plans. We plan for the day ahead, the week ahead, and the years ahead. We plot the details of our plans carefully, so if the plan doesn’t develop the way we’ve designed, it can cause us a great deal of stress. All plans are subject to change, and Scripture reminds us the Lord guides us in those moments of change.

Proverbs remarks, “Don’t lean on your own understanding, but trust in the Lord and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us the Lord knows the plans he has for us. They are plans for good, not evil; plans to help us, and not harm us.

So, when our plans have to change, remember, the Lord is in control. He has our future mapped out, so why wouldn’t he care for us in the present.

Thanks for reading.

Life is Like A Garden

The Flip Flop Barnyard tells of the great patience gardening requires. From ordering seeds to harvest, many days can pass, with much time waiting to move from stage to stage of the gardening process. Any Gardner knows it takes much patience to produce great tasting vegetables and beautiful flowers. Planting has to take place in the spring, cultivation through the summer, to enjoy the harvest of the fall. Seeds do not become abundant crops overnight.

Like gardening, life can require much patience. Scripture encourages, “Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near” (James 5:7-8).

Waiting can be hard; we don’t like it. This may hold especially true when we are awaiting answers to our prayers.

We’re praying about our need, yet it seems the Lord is not hearing us. Maybe we’ve spent hours pacing the floor, tears flowing, as we pray, but the answer still hasn’t come. If so, this passage encourages us to stand firm, and keep on praying. James goes on to remind us our prayers are both powerful and effective.

Our prayers will be answered. It may not be in the immediate timetable we desire, but the Lord does answer.

Remember, Gardeners have to wait all season before harvesting a crop, but the sweetness of the fruit is worth the labor of their patience.

Be patient and stand firm.